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Olive: Text

Olive Health Suite

Project Overview

The app market is over saturated with calorie trackers, tele health apps, and work out apps. Olive combines the most useful features of these into a singular comprehensive health suite


Combine commonly used health app features into one central health suite that allows users to:

  • Track and manage their nutrition 

  • Schedule and attend doctor appointments (virtually or in person)

  • Complete at home work outs

Competitor Analysis

The absence of any existing health suite led me to explore other commonly used health apps. Desirable features included:

  • Booking visits in app

  • Calorie tracking

  • At home/mobile workouts

Olive: Image
User Interviews and Personas

The target audience shared the following insights: 

  • Users are motivated to track calories and nutrition

  • Users are frustrated with current doctor-appointment practices

  • Users would engage in at home exercise more if it was tailored to their interests


Interview data was used to develop personas.

Persona 1
Persona 2

Design Process

Task flow and site map were created using personas

Wireframes and Prototyping

User testing was performed with low, mid, and hi fidelity wireframes allowed for rapid integration of user feedback and changes to the design. 

Low Fidelity
Mid Fidelity
High Fidelity
User Testing

Five test subjects completed a series of task flows. Data was collected and sorted into affinity map and rainbow spreadsheet. Changes were implemented based on priority. 


Final changes were made to the design and a polished UI was applied to the prototype

Olive: Portfolio


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